FP&A Stories - Presentation skills pay more than Finance

Hello Reader 👋

You should know me by now, I advocate for finance professionals to invest in improving their presentation skills.

Not only because it's pretty but because it pays off

And an analysis proves that this is true and this is what we're seeing in this edition 👇

So take a coffee, sit down, and read FP&A Stories like 30K others

This week in FP&A Stories

🤑 Earn more with presentation skills
🪄 Extra tips for good storytelling
🪜 Next steps in storytelling

🤑 Earn more with presentation skills

Ever heard that sharpening your presentation skills can boost your paycheck by $9K?

Meanwhile, financial literacy only adds about $5K.

These numbers are from 2016, so imagine the gap now.

It's interesting to understand that because when you ask around, the general belief is that technical skills will be more rewarding.

After all, imagine all these tech guys/girls in the Silicon Valley earning in one year what we would in a lifetime.

But there is a reason why we, as finance professionals, can earn more than if we master financial storytelling.

Actually, two reasons

1. Your Technical Skills Are a Given

When you get the job, it’s assumed you have the technical skills to do it.

That’s not what sets you apart.

The real differentiator is how you communicate and present your ideas.

2. Employers Pay Premium for Rare Skills

Employers are willing to pay more for skills that go beyond the basics.

Presentation skills are in this category.

They’re about more than making slides look nice.

They’re about ensuring that the data you analysed holds a message and that we can do something about it.

In finance, good presentations are gold.

They help leaders make informed, financially-driven decisions.

They have so much to think about that helping them by providing a digestible message from a sea of barely understandable information is an valuable asset.

Imagine the difference between

  • sending and showing a P&L with the results of the month vs budget and last year;
  • presenting the 3 most important points of your analysis, explaining the impact and brainstorming on the next steps.

As a leader, what would you value the most?

Conclusion Investing in your presentation skills is investing in your career. It’s about more than advancing your role; it’s about enhancing the value you bring to your organization. Focus on how you present and communicate your ideas. It might just be the most profitable skill you develop.

🪄 Extra tips for good storytelling

You want to start working on your presentation skills?

Here are some of the quick tips I give when I'm asked

Have a clear message

When entering the meeting, you must make sure you know what idea people will leave the meeting with.

What figure do they have to remember? What action will they take? What ideas finance will provide to change a bad situation?

Start with your own audience

You do not always have access to the Board, the ExCo or the Management Committee in your company.

But that won't stop you from delivering a presentation.

Sales teams, Marketing teams, IT teams, .... many others might have an interest in understand the financial situation of your company.

And thanks to that, you increase your visibility and train for the higher instances.


Navigate your presentation with questions. Rhetorical ones can guide your audience’s thoughts without the awkward silence of direct questions.

Be alert for spontaneous queries: they’re a sign of an engaged audience.


As you wrap up, shift into facilitator mode. Encourage dialogue instead of monopolizing the conversation. This turns your presentation into a rich, collaborative experience.

🪜 Next steps in storytelling

Whenever you're ready to develop your financial storytelling skills and become the visible face of finance, join the Financial Storytelling Program​

The program is temporarily at 150 USD (instead of 250 USD)

Don't wait too much because it's only until May 25th

Check all the information about the program here​

That's a wrap for this week

See you next week!

FP&A Stories

Go beyond your technical finance job by becoming a real Finance Business Partner. I'll share in each newsletter my knowledge about financial storytelling and business partnering.

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