FP&A Stories - Stagnating Career? Work on this

Hello Reader 👋

I have had big frustrations in my career and the worst is that I used to blame others for not succeeding.

Any excuse was good to explain why I didn't get promotions: jealousy, racism, favoritism,...

But since you can only change what you can control, I understood that I missed something that was in my hands: my visbility!

Let's see how you can use it in this edition

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This week in FP&A Stories

🖐️ 5 signs your career is stagnating
🔭 Visibility is key (for HR too)

🖐️ 5 signs your career is stagnating

Feeling stuck in your career? You’re not alone.

Career stagnation within a company can happen to anyone, but recognizing the signs early and taking proactive steps can set you back on the path to success.

Here are five signs your career might be stagnating and practical ways to overcome each challenge.

1️⃣ No Recognition from Leadership

Increase Your Visibility

  • Regularly share your achievements with your manager and team.
  • Make your work known and ensure your contributions are visible.
  • Use every opportunity to highlight your successes and align them with the company’s goals.

2️⃣ Lack of Promotion or Advancement

Proactively Seek Feedback

  • Request regular performance reviews and discuss your career goals with your supervisor.
  • Understand where you need to improve and align your efforts with the company’s objectives.
  • Use feedback to fine-tune your performance and demonstrate your commitment to growth.

3️⃣ Being Passed Over for Key Projects

Volunteer for High-Impact Tasks

  • Show your initiative by taking on projects that are critical to the company’s success.
  • Volunteering for these tasks not only demonstrates your capability but also puts you in the spotlight, making it easier for leadership to recognize your contributions.

4️⃣ Limited Skill Development Opportunities

Advocate for Training

  • Ask about training programs and suggest areas where you can develop new skills.
  • Continuous learning shows your commitment to growth and adaptability, making you a valuable asset to the company.

5️⃣ Stagnant Team Environment

Foster Collaboration

  • Take the lead in team projects and encourage knowledge sharing among colleagues.
  • A collaborative approach can rejuvenate your team and highlight your leadership skills, making you a key player.

🔭 Visibility is key (for HR too)

One of the most critical solutions to overcoming career stagnation is increasing your visibility.

This is especially important during HR calibration meetings, where leaders decide who gets promoted.

They generally use a Gauss curve and only the top gets a promotion

Those who are top of mind tend to rise to the top.

Here’s how you can make sure you’re one of them.

Master Storytelling (of course)

And I speak of storytelling in all senses: for your personal branding (speak of successes, create a personal story of your evolution,...) but also in your work (your narratives must be easy to remember)

Make Presentations Memorable

By doing the following, your presentations will be your business card for the leaders who will decide on your promotions

  • Prepare your message
  • Prepare your story
  • Prepare your visuals
  • Prepare yourself

This 4-step approach will guarantee each presentation will be serving your career.

Want to know more? Check the Financial Storytelling Program

Seek Feedback

Seek feedback from peers, mentors, and supervisors. Use it to refine your approach and improve your performance.

It can be useful for the feedback self but also interesting just to show people you want to improve!

Network Strategically

Yes, I'm sorry to say but relationships will help you in your career. Gte out of your comfort zone and try to discuss informally but also more informally to key influencers.

That means

  • participating to company events (even if you don't like that)
  • work in cross-department projects (even if you hate that)
  • find mentors who can advocate for you (even if you think this is bootlicking)

Document Achievements

It's easy to forget about your achievements in your day to day: you created a model that was replicated, you built an automation that helps everyone,...

Open an Excel file and simply write down every time you went beyond the expectations.

This will be fresh in your memory at the time of evaluation and you can mention this to your manager.

By focusing on these strategies, you can ensure that you’re not just another name on the list but a standout candidate for promotion. Remember, in the world of HR calibration, visibility is key. Make yourself known, and make your impact undeniable.

The Message By focusing on these strategies, you can ensure that you’re not just another name on the list but a standout candidate for promotion. Remember, in the corporate world, visibility is key. Make yourself known, and make your impact undeniable.

That's a wrap for this week

See you next week!

PS: Whenever you're ready to develop your financial storytelling skills and become the visible face of finance, join the Financial Storytelling Program

FP&A Stories

Go beyond your technical finance job by becoming a real Finance Business Partner. I'll share in each newsletter my knowledge about financial storytelling and business partnering.

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