
FP&A Stories

Go beyond your technical finance job by becoming a real Finance Business Partner. I'll share in each newsletter my knowledge about financial storytelling and business partnering.

Group smiling at Soufyan's training
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FP&A Stories - Think you need a title to influence decisions?

Hello Reader 👋 I've never been a CFO...and I don't think I will ever be. But that doesn't mean I want the power of my work to be born by my bosses. That's a responsibility you have to bear yourself but for that, you need to be influential. But how can you influence without being the chief? That's what we're seeing this week. So take a coffee, sit down and read FP&A Stories just like 23k other readers Training season is fully loaded This week in FP&A Stories 🛞 Driving business strategy without...

No coffee no work

Hello Reader 👋 I've heard many times that, to become a good Finance Business Partner, you don't need to know accounting. Same goes for taxes, pure financial modelling, M&A and many specialisations in Finance. But can you really be the best if you don't know anything about everything? Let's question it that way: do you need to be a specialist or a generalist? That's what we're seeing this week in your favourite newsletter. So take a coffee, sit down and read FP&A Stories just like 23k other...

No coffee no work

Hello Reader 👋 The overwhelming majority (more than 75%) of the people are expected to share a recommendation during a presentation. But what is a recommendation anyway? I remember some exchanges with Anders Liu-Lindberg on demystifying what a recommendation was at the end of a presentation. It's true that, said like that, it can scare a lot of people because you cannot find new ideas each week/month Let's see together what we mean with recommendations in Finance. So take a coffee, sit down...

Oh dear holidays

Hello Reader 👋 During my holidays, I reflected on my journey and thought about one of the first controversial posts I published on Linkedin. It was about not communicating everything when you were in front of your audience, just so you are efficient and communicate only what matters for them. While I admit this post was obviously exaggerated (yeah, I matured since then and didn't want to follow this "controversial posts just to generate engagement" technique), there are some important points...

Hello Reader 👋 This weekend, it was raining in Belgium (a bit like 99% fo the year) so I decided to take the kids to the movies and watch Inside Out 2 You know, that Pixar movie with the emotions in a teenager's head to illustrate our feelings in our lives. While I liked the story, I won't bother you with a summary but rather think of how Pixar uses storytelling and how it can inspire you for your next presentation. So take a coffee, sit down, and look at the video like 30K others I'm...

Hello Reader 👋 Back in April, I was in Lisbon for a Finance Creators Mastermind together with Nicolas Boucher Kris Heyndrikx Christian Martinez We had cross-discussions in a podcast format and I'm happy to share that the first episode is out. Also super important: I'm 40 years old tomorrow and there is a reason why this information is important for you (read the newsletter to know why) Scroll down, take 30 minutes of your time and be ready to understand what storytelling brings to your...

Hello Reader 👋 I have had big frustrations in my career and the worst is that I used to blame others for not succeeding. Any excuse was good to explain why I didn't get promotions: jealousy, racism, favoritism,... But since you can only change what you can control, I understood that I missed something that was in my hands: my visbility! Let's see how you can use it in this edition So take a coffee, sit down, and read FP&A Stories like 30K others Also, I'd love to have your opinion on this...

Hello Reader 👋 Have you ever seen slides that are so filled that you don't know where to look at? Of course, you have! I have and honestly, this is one of my pet peeves so I want to share with you a step by step to go from bad to good slides. So take a coffee, sit down, and read FP&A Stories like 30K others Taking a coffee with other people is always better This week in FP&A Stories 📊 From bad to great slides (Step by Step) 📊 From bad to great slides (Step by Step) Ever been overwhelmed by a...

Hello Reader 👋 You should know me by now, I advocate for finance professionals to invest in improving their presentation skills. Not only because it's pretty but because it pays off And an analysis proves that this is true and this is what we're seeing in this edition 👇 So take a coffee, sit down, and read FP&A Stories like 30K others The podcast episode is almost out...stay tuned This week in FP&A Stories 🤑 Earn more with presentation skills 🪄 Extra tips for good storytelling 🪜 Next steps in...

Hello Reader 👋 I hope you're fine and that you had the opportunity to take some time for you in the last weeks. I've been a bit absent from the newsletter last week because I was delivering the first wave of my new training: "Finance for Non-Finance". This training bridges a gap in today's offer: these courses generally try to transform business into accountants. In this edition, I'll explain you why this must be done differently 👇 So take a coffee, sit down, and read FP&A Stories like 30K...